.....Actually this isn't a surprise to my 2 followers lol....so I will skip the dramatics and just say to those who are reading this and are too mean to follow me: I gots a tattoo.
Now my 2 followers (who just happen to be my sister and my bestfriend) probally already know that I have been wanting to get one..for like forever. So for a little b-day present to myself, I got one ^.^ I got a wolf paw print on my hip.
I went all by myself too. It was such a growing up thing lol. I was sooooooooooo nervous. I pulled up the place I was getting it and just sorta sat there for a moment. I finally got the nerve to go in where I was greeted with a smile and before I knew it I was signing the papers with a shaky hand.
The guy who did it got all the stuff together while I wandered around looking at all the pics on the walls. Then he called me over and put the stencil thingy on me and pressed it on. So here I have my pants unbuttoned and pulled down below my hip which basically is wet paint on me....he tells my to go wonder again...Really?? Lol, so I nonchalantly walk around near the wall with my pants hanging off me >.<
Well he gets it all set up and sterilized, got me to lay down and get comfy, and started up the gun. So I am about to freak at this point. But I just kept telling myself that its worth it and I can do it. He then positioned the gun riiiight over my hip bone. "Wait wait..Do you have to start there? I mean that is the most painful right?"...He just looked at me as the tattoo noob I am (*cough*...was) and blatanly replied "Um....yea...its the closest to me". Gee because that seems like a darn golly ol good reason. *glare*
So he starts.
I am not going to lie. It hurt. A lot. But it really isn't anything you can't grit your teeth thru. Which I did. A lot. I didn't look at it, I gritted my teeth, clenched my hands, and remembered to breath(*). It took about 40 minutes to complete and then it was DONE!
But I want to point out a few things I have learned on this journey.
1) At first I had no clue why people didn't use the numbing cream the have out there (they do have it!)..but now I understand that it really wouldn't be worth it if you didn't have the pain to go through. I guess the whole "No pain, No gain" is true for this one.
2) I have no respect for those who get tattoos that don't mean anything to them. In fact it sorta pisses me off now to see a little star or generic tramp stamp. I think for one, it degrades the tattoo shabang. I mean tattoos were created by tribes to convey meaning (either it be man hood, or showing which tribe you belonged to, etc, etc) So why would you get a tattoo that has no meaning??
3) Do a lot of research when getting something like this done. It really helps. I don't think I would have ever gotten it done if I didn't know what to expect. (*) thats where I got that tip from. If you hold your breath, you could pass out which would be B-A-D!
4) Tattoos are addictive lol. I already want more. I got an idea in my head the other night. I want to get the moon phases on my forearms. What do you think my 2 followers?
I got it as realistic as I could. Its about 3 1/2 inches (a rl one is about 4-5) and its not all perfect. I literally took it from a paw print identification book.
I will post the butterfly update soon. ^.^