Not too much going on. Just school and friends.
....My Birthday! *sarcastically hits forehead* thats what I was going to tell you!
=D Yup! So as of yesterday I am 18. Yesterday was sorta a bummer tho. I had classes all day. I did get birthday spankings from my mom -.- geeze when is she going to grow up? ...I kid I kid, I love my mom to no end lol.
But yea. Sorta boring 9 hours of class. Then I was too tired to go out that night. I literally went to bed a few hours after getting home...and slept to 11:30 this morning!
..thats 11 hours!!! I never sleep that long! : x I blame it on my bed. It was too damn comfy this morning!...
Anyway, so I was planning on going to a friends house but he wouldn't respond to my texts. I thought he was sleeping. So for like 3 hours I sent him like 10 messages saying "Wake up!" or "*poke* lazy ass...get up!"....well after that 3 hours he texted me back saying he was in court :x oh my bad. geeze did i feel like an ass. Sometimes I wonder when my social skills are supposed to kick in. But I said I was sorry and he still invited me over *heart* and thats where I spent the evening. Loads of fun.
ok so this "pet project" I have going on. One of my moms coworkers stopped by and dropped this off:
(yes that pic was there for inspiration for them^.-)
Yup! I got three monarch caterpillars! Well really I got two caterpillars and one already in its little chystalist thingy.
There's one
There is the other.
The third was already hanging at the time of first picture taking.
But now look!!!
They are all hanging in their little chytsalists! They should become butterflies now *hearts*
Hopefully by next week the first one will pop out. I will def. get keep checking back for an update!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes, Deer Magpie!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm working on something for you. I think it's going to be pretty cool. In fact, I've enlisted over 50 people to help me so far. :)
Sorry I didn't call you on your actual birfday. A lot going on- ask mom. :(
Cute Flutterbys! Do they have names? ^.^-
Aw! Thanks April!
ReplyDeleteWow. 50 people? ...I am excited to find out what it is!!! >.<' but its all right that you didn't call me. I completely understand <3 *hugs to you*
And no they don't. Just for the shear fact I can't tell them apart ! XD