Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Sorry I haven't been able to post in the past few days. It is not like I have been terribly busy, just not much going on to post about *shrugs*

Well one thing I did do is clean my room. In the past few weeks I have been working 10 hours or so a day, coming home just to strip and hop into bed. Well my poor room has just been neglected and used! There were piles of boxes from the stuff I took out of my old car (like a month ago 0:) and clothes strewn everywhere.

...You like that word? strewn. I do. I am going to strive to used that word more. strewn. Anyways, pardon me, I do digress...

Here is an after picture:

What?! What is that you see? FLOOR? No way! ...... -.- yea, It was that bad. I couldn't step on regular floor. It became a game of "find your way to the bed without stepping on something hazardous". Fun game. You should play it one day.
Yea, sadly I didn't get a before pic. I really didn't think about it. I just wanted it clean!

So yea, that took two days. I have been off work so not much else has happened. I got chiggers, but you really don't want to hear about that.

Oh! Yea I was watching Family Guy and you know Brian's ditzy gf he had/has? Well Stewie was talking about how she does that thing where she puts emphasis on the last words of the sentence like its a question. And Brian starts doing it....well now I get stuck talking like that everytime I think of it!!!! Arg! My life....

Thats about it. Sorry I am not more interesting *shrugs*

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I think you are plenty interesting!!

    WOOT for a clean room! Looks great. I'm currently playing that "game" in the bedroom. Damn laundry and its non-self-foldingness.

    What does H.A.S.B. stand for? *scratches head*

    I'm assuming you have to work tomorrow. What time do you get off? Do you have a car yet?
