Well, I get off work all excited. Then I find out that out of the two that I wanted/planned to see, one got food poisoning and the other got called back into work. ARG! My life sometimes!
Anyways, So I call my friend katie from http://anorangelife.blogspot.com/ and pick her up so we could hang out at the mall. ...OH! I saw this reallllllyy hot/cute/IWouldSoTapHer chick at Hot Topic. *drool* We were glancing at each other the whole time I was in there. We def. had something. Too bad I was too scared to go up there and talk to her. ..Last time I did that whole "flirting" thing at hot topic it didn't end well but pardon me, I do digress....So I ask a friend that works there what her status was. You know what he said? "She told me she wishes she was bi" WTH does that mean????? Its like saying "I wish I had a different religion" um? You feel one way or you don't. IDK
So we finish hanging out at the mall around 7ish, go to her house to pick stuff up. Go to my "cooperative worker's" house and doggie sit. I let the pup out, fed it, give it a treat and then we ordered pizza with a coupon. (Snaz deal too, extra large for 10 dollars..hella yea) We watch Soul Plane and eat. Go to bed.
And when I say go to bed, I mean get ready and snuggle up and pretend we are going to bed by saying goodnight, then 2 minutes later start a simple convo and don't stop talking til 1 in the morning!!
Thats all peachy but I had to take my D.I.P (driving improvement program) class today. Geeze-la-weeze. 8 hours of sitting there listening to lecturing. It was a couple who ran it. The guys was ok, but his wife annoyed the crap outta me for some reason. I guess it was because she talked to us (us as in the 21+ years old group plus me) as if we were 10!
And sadly that class put me in a really bad mood. Maybe since I only had like 4 hours of sleep and sitting there listening to what sign colors mean just don't mix. So I am in this gawd-awful grouchy mood.
It doesn't help its all cloudy outside. It was pretty when I had to be shut in a freezing cold, no windows, small room. Grr.
Sorry. I know miss meanie pants here. Well I can fix my mood. I have a bowl of spinach in the microwave and I am going to eat it while watching family guy and the simpsons : )
There is another pic for you from me with love. *heart*
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