Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What has four wheels, an engine, but I can't drive it?

My car! Yup, I got a nice new (used) car. Its a Honda Civic with a pretty blue color. The windows are uber-tinted. And its a manual.....*creepy tiny voice in background* oh but Maggie, you don't know how to drive a manual! ......gee thanks, I know!

I am learning tho. Holy Haloed Cows its so hard. There is like a billion things to remember! I think the hardest is remembering to put it in neutral to brake. To me that just doesn't seem like a good design. But oh well. So I have like four hours under my belt right now. Still hard.

Here is a pic of the brute:

Ok, so told you I would tell you about the bird watching and roasting hotdogs. Well after we picked up my bow, we drove out to this place, and no I can't tell you where...I don't remember where -.-'....and we stopped to roast hotdogs. Well notdogs really (I don't eat raised meat). I am so glad I brought my camera! There were two drozen or so differant mushrooms. There where just spouting everywhere!

Here some pics: (if you know any of these..comment me and tell me please!)


Two heads are better than one! This one also stank horrible!


Oh then we went to Tinkercreek and saw this!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey maggie!
    Want Help? I can drive a manual.
    Let me know....
